Frost Plugs (Welch Plugs) Metric


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Frost plugs are usually thin metal cups press fitted into the casting holes. The most common metal plugs used in automotive engines are made from plated mild steel or brass. The sole purpose of a Frost plug is to literally act as a plug in the holes designed to be in a casting which allows the casting sand to be removed during the manufacture process, coincidental if freezing does occur the frost plugs will be forced out by water freezing inside the block due to a lack of an anti-freeze/water mixture and stop the freezing water cracking the engine block and head.

Additional information

Size Metric

10mm Welsh Plug, 11mm Welsh Plug, 12mm Welsh Plug, 12.5mm Welsh Plug, 13.5mm Welsh Plug, 14mm Welsh Plug, 15mm Welsh Plug, 18mm Welsh Plug, 19mm Welsh Plug, 20mm Welsh Plug, 21mm Welsh Plug, 22mm Welsh Plug, 23mm Welsh Plug, 24mm Welsh Plug, 25mm Welsh Plug, 26mm Welsh Plug, 27mm Welsh Plug, 28mm Welsh Plug, 30mm Welsh Plug, 32mm Welsh Plug, 34mm Welsh Plug, 35mm Welsh Plug, 36mm Welsh Plug, 38mm Welsh Plug, 40mm Welsh Plug, 42mm Welsh Plug, 45mm Welsh Plug, 48mm Welsh Plug, 50mm Welsh Plug, 51mm Welsh Plug, 52mm Welsh Plug, 56mm Welsh Plug

Brass Or Steel

Brass, Steel